Category Combined Authority

What is Driving this Devolution Push

This is started out as a short post to get behind what is driving devolution to cities in England. It got a little too long. Apologies.  Well what is this all about; why is it happening and what can we expect from it. There is much talk about how centralised the UK’s decision making is […]

Is Birmingham a Digital Hotspot?

Is Birmingham a Digital Hotspot? Birmingham has designated itself as a Smart City and at the core of any smart city is its strength in the Digital economy. This post explores how the city compares to elsewhere in the UK and what is being done to strengthen this increasingly important economic sector/ engine for growth. […]

What is happening with Greater Birmingham’s Economy

The recent publicity around the growth of the Greater Birmingham and Solihull  – being the LEP with the highest GVA growth almost got me to write a post about the underlying reasons for its growth – (it is in draft but will it surface?) but I was diverted when I received an email from the […]

Evidence to support the need for a Combined Authority in the West Midlands

I wanted to dig deeper behind where the under performance in terms on nominal GVA per head in the West Midlands lies. My previous post has shown how Greater Manchester has overtaken the West Midlands – we need to understand where this is most apparent and then dig deeper into why? This post will focus […]



Birmingham Smart City

A place to share ideas and developments for a Smarter Birmingham

Birmingham Pivot

Focussing on the future direction of the City and surrounding areas

The Long Gallery

Fine Art : Photography : Designer-Maker Furniture

george sarlis

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Ingrid NAPPI

Professeur-Chercheur, Conférencière, Consultante


Policy Politics Place


columns, dromen, schetsen, ideeën, beelden

Service Safari

Adventures in our service economy...

The Enlightened Economist

Urbanism, Smart Cities, Innovation, Climate Change, Creativity and National and European Policy


Urbanism, Smart Cities, Innovation, Climate Change, Creativity and National and European Policy


European Parliamentary Research Service Blog

Paul4innovating's Innovation Views

Building the Innovation DNA

Early Warning

Urbanism, Smart Cities, Innovation, Climate Change, Creativity and National and European Policy

URBACT The blog

Urbanism, Smart Cities, Innovation, Climate Change, Creativity and National and European Policy

The Data Mine

Transforming Information into Knowledge